Needs for Landscape Management

When you hire a Commercial Strata Maintenance maple ridge company to handle your landscape management, landscaping design, and landscaping concepts, you must understand what you're getting into. We'll go over a handful of the most common choices here.

Bed cleaning and detailing

This service includes debris removal, weeding, ground-cover trimming/control, debris removal, spent bloom removal, and monitoring and removal of browning leaves and branches.

This is an absolute must if you want to keep your yard looking wonderful.

Spring and Fall Cleaning

Deep cleaning refers to extensive bed maintenance that includes perennial and grass slicing and edging, mulching, and seasonally appropriate perennial trimming back. These services require "deep-cleaning" of the landscape at least once to three times.

strata & commercial landscaping


Pruning and hedging your plants at the appropriate time of year for each type is crucial. It is the perfect moment when you have a professional prune your plants. Hydrangeas, for example, should only be tended properly by experts or dedicated gardeners. The purpose of pruning is to keep the plant in form, eliminate dead or diseased limbs, and promote new growth. Plants are commonly fashioned into geometric shapes when hedging. Both have an important place in the landscape.

Landscape Plant Nutrition and Protection

The ground provides nutrients to plants. As the word implies, certain plants are "heavy feeders." This means that a large number of soil nutrients are taken. They are known as "heavy feeders."

A proactive plant feed/protect program helps ensure that your plants and soil receive the necessary nutrients. Disease and pest prevention will be supplied to ensure that they do not develop into common problems. Mildews of various kinds, aphids, and black spots are all examples. This may or may not be included in your service package, but it is necessary for healthy plants.

Your lawn should be protected and fed.

Lawn chemical programs discourage pests and illnesses such as grubs, brown patches, and fungi.

Most regimens include a 5- to 7-step process completed at the appropriate time of year to achieve the optimum outcomes. Because irrigation and weather patterns affect turf, they must be considered part of your turf management strategy.

commercial strata

Additional treatments may be required to address moisture-related concerns during exceptionally wet years.

Irrigation system start-up and shutdown

Irrigation start-up and shutdown are usually included in most maintenance contracts.

While everyone turns on their irrigation system (if they have one) in the spring, not everyone prepares it for the next winter months. If the water in the lines does not get blasted out, it can freeze and expand.

This could be harmful to their system. The damage is frequently more than the cost of proper maintenance and winterization. A monthly check-in is included in certain contracts to ensure optimal consumption and water efficiency.

Regular monitoring improves the ability to alter for optimal plant health and identify any necessary repairs. Seasonal Displays A seasonal display can include annual flowers for spring, summer, and fall. Christmas lighting and decorative greenery can be added.

This kind of service improves landscapes and adds a sense of expectation and excitement as the seasons change. Depending on the contract, mulching may be done once or twice a year. Even though many people find it attractive, mulch has several horticultural benefits, including root insulation, weed control, and water retention.

How to Get Rid of Leaves

Leaf removal can usually be adapted to a client's preferred frequency of visits under most contracts.

For some people, one or two visits per year are sufficient. Customers who have their supplier come only twice will accumulate leaves in between appointments. Some customers request up to seven removals per season to keep their property neat throughout the fall. This option can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

Grass Cutting

The average mowing contract in the Midwest is 28-32 mows. Mowing services typically involve string trimming, edging, and blowing off hard surfaces. Remember that not every landscaping business will offer all of these services. Before making a final decision, find a company that offers the services you require. This will make your landscape seem its finest.


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